
There is no perfect schedule only experienced potters, both men and women, grown-ups that learn their craft and love the challenge of everyday potting. That is why a potter is a combination of artist, craftsperson, scientist, engineer, and general-purpose mechanic and that’s why I love it….. Never a boring minute in my life”
— Mel Jacobson
Raku –
From the Fire
An Interaction of Earth, Fire, and the Potter’s Touch

It starts with an idea… and a lump of clay..

Raku is a process where the pots are
taken out of a red hot kiln at 960 degrees to cool and crackle in sawdust which produces unexpected patterns
Raku is the most intimate form of pottery where you are constantly interacting with the pot and finally, you release the pot to the fire and accept what the fire gives back to you

Raku is a harsh process and a lot of pots are lost in the process, but the anguish is worth the result when magic rises from the ashes unexpectedly.

Clay is “thrown”, pummelled and pushed into shape, fired to 1100 degrees, then…the moment you have been waiting for, the kiln door opens and color spills out..!

The ultimate challenge: pot vs high temperatures reaching 1280 degrees; will your pot survive…?


Clay shapes are put into sawdust to burn slowly until they become pots with patterns of fire.

I take great pleasure in creating things whose sole purpose is to give pleasure to the beholder – Louise

There is no perfect schedule only experienced potters, both men and women, grown-ups that learn their craft and love the challenge of everyday potting. That is why a potter is a combination of artist, craftsperson, scientist, engineer, and general-purpose mechanic and that’s why I love it….. Never a boring minute in my life”
— Mel Jacobson
Raku – From the Fire
An Interaction of Earth, Fire, and the Potter’s Touch

It starts with an idea… and a lump of clay..

Raku is a process where the pots are
taken out of a red hot kiln at 960 degrees to cool and crackle in sawdust which produces unexpected patterns
Raku is the most intimate form of pottery where you are constantly interacting with the pot and finally, you release the pot to the fire and accept what the fire gives back to you

Raku is a harsh process and a lot of pots are lost in the process, but the anguish is worth the result when magic rises from the ashes unexpectedly.

Clay is “thrown”, pummelled and pushed into shape, fired to 1100 degrees, then…the moment you have been waiting for, the kiln door opens and color spills out..!

The ultimate challenge: pot vs high temperatures reaching 1280 degrees; will your pot survive…?


Clay shapes are put into sawdust to burn slowly until they become pots with patterns of fire.

I take great pleasure in creating things whose sole purpose is to give pleasure to the beholder – Louise